today was windy the house across the street appeared, the leaves are all gone from the trees. today is September 29. how long does fall/ Autumn last ? well i started taking these photos in mid August.
My definition of fall is when there is snow on the ground well this stuff wont stay, 3 weeks maybe, but 95% of the leaves are gone. the calender says that fall only started last week, not the case in Fairbanks.
It was cold today, 20 when i went to work i think it made it to 40 mid afternoon. the way everyone dresses has changed polar necks , warm sweaters. I parked the car in the garage.

Here i will end the the fall series, don't know if you are interested in photos of barren trees , there is kinda ugly time of year now, till we get snow on the ground to stay.
Freeze up will not be far away. Freeze up is considered to occur when the day time high does not reach 32. This will occur between Oct 1 and Oct 15 guaranteed. in 14 years it has not failed me yet. But for now i am done talking about the weather. hopefully there will be more interesting things in life.