the ocean

the ocean
Paraparaumu beach

The comings and goings of a hard working kiwi whose just moved home

June 15, 2011

New Haircut

Got a new haircut today, all for the job hunting stuff and looking tidy, it s lat shorter than i thought, but i need to be tidy, maybe I'll like it better tomorrow. if i had white hair i'd look like my mother.
now I have had 2 haircut inside 3 months this is probably a lifetime record. its usually 8 or 9 months or longer between my haircuts... oh well it will grow. and $2.00 cheaper than my last one.
the job hunting progresses frustratingly.. just got turned down on job where i was the top candidate but then they changed the criteria and hired someone they knew.

So its either time for some chocolate or some new clothes.. office clothes of course... now chocolate would be cheaper... but....
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