The comings and goings of a hard working kiwi whose just moved home
July 25, 2009
Window Day 1
the bricks are all in strait lines. so who was the cheep shit who built this in 1958. cutting concrete does create lots of dust, but a friend suggested that i cover everything with sheets . everything electronic and anything that gets warm. that would be the boiler. Thank you to my friend. Matt then spent the evening building a inset to bring the window out level with the house. it currently 1/2 built. Window should go in tomorrow. but this is how it looks right now
Yup I made it back home, back to New Zealand after 17 years of living away. This will turn into a blog about the reverse culture shock. I will discover the things that i like about the USA, and probably some stuff that i dont. the trials of finding a job and living in a big city. and what ever else i decide. The comings and goings of a southern Alaskan.
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