One step closer to vacation tonight. You may or may not know that the US dollar is getting stronger and the British pound is getting weaker. so i figured it was time to continue with the bookings of tickets.
I had to make a slight change in plan, I get get to just go to Greece, I couldn't get a ticket back out of Rome to London. so I get to fly in and out of Athens from London. i 've been to Italy so no big deal. I get longer to hang in Greece. where it s warmer. maybe i can swing that trip to Istanbul.
Anyway tickets were 82 pounds or $128.00 a the current exchange rate. it looks like a 3 hour flight so i guess i shouldn't complain.. it the same price as what I paid to get to Rome 4 years ago.
tickets to Athens January 13 and return to London on the 30th.
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