I drove out to Hope along the Seward highway on Saturday morning for some grade 5 white water( photos yet to be sorted, will post separately) the drive is really cool , cloudy its still pretty amazing
The end of the hope road is 18 miles from the Seward turnoff.

the bottom picture is what these people call a beach, the nearest beach to me currently( No lakes don't cut it for being called a beach, it has to be ocean)

Saturday afternoon was a BBQ with a bunch of kiwis and Aussies. good time was had with the usual too much food. not sure if it is polite to mention the game of Rugby, tri nation series between NZ, Australia and South Africa. the was a game on Saturday/ Friday ( time zone thing) that the guys wanted to watch between Aus and South Africa. 1/2 way though they decided to play some cricket. Ummm i don't think Aus was wining.
so there is a possibly that South Africa could win the Tri series.....
then on Sunday morning there was the shopping. No birthday is compete without some good shopping, towels , sheets and some clothes, 20 % cheaper than what was listed.
still a little tender from the white water rafting. but not as sore as I would expect considering. but you have to see the grin on my face... it was great fun.

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