I left Anchorage to drive to Hope, Nova rafting guides picked us up a the corner of Hope road. there is a swim test. this is grade 5 not for first timers. the water was 38 degrees. we have dry suits. longs johns 3 top layers and life jackets and helmets. The swim was about 100 yards including the floating in the dam cold water
we got to see a couple of juvenile bald eagles and a couple of adults passing by overhead. there are 2 canyons of grade 3/ 4, which is enough to flip some people out of the water. then a 2 mile float though some scenic stuff . there was a brief portage cause the boats got stuff, 10 years round some rocks , rivers low i guess. then some amazing grade 5 stuff, where you have to slide the boat fairly accurately though 2 rocks. if you miss it you high side and flip. Called an "out of boat"experience
So on the last rapid, we missed it, the 3 of us of the left of the raft just flipped out really fast.
the water went totally over my face. thank god for helmets, for I hit my head on something.
the front smaller girl was first back in, then the guy in the middle , i had to swim to stay with the raft, around a rock of some description (it all happened so fast) picked up some bruises on the legs the butt like 4 or 5. and was bodily hauled back in by the life vest. what a blast.! great adrenaline rush. I was probably out of the boat about 1 minute maybe
On the float round a couple of corners to the take out spot we saw lots of pink salmon. and jumping everywhere, cruising up the shallow edges.

Sore neck , Sore shoulder, Sore

butt, and back, and pulled some muscles in the front of my thighs. but dam that was the best. everything is all OK today Monday except for the bruises.
yeah i scored lucky
grade 4 rafting is for 8 years olds and grand ma's
I am

addicted to white water rafting. !!!