I have just joined the digital TV age. It only took 1/2 an hour, and that included unpacking for the box. I now have 7
channnels. - 4 from PBS, 2 from channel 2, and channel 11.
so i am mising CBS, which sucks, I guess I can live for the summer but i have to watch" the unit" on CBS in the Fall.
maybe another day i will change the direction of the antenna and try again.
7 channels isn't too bad on the first try.
It all wasn't 1/2 as scary as i thought it was going to be.
Other news- for today I rotary hoed the garden, with my next door neighbours machine . it was only a little one but i think it was easier for me to handle than the one I usually rent for $50.00 I gave my next door neighbour $3.00 for the oil and gas. Planting will be tomorrow memorial day.
The sad news is that down in the garden the little birds nest is all abandoned. The babies were all jut fine last Saturday but are all gone now. i am not sure when this all happened , as i was working 2 jobs all week. I am thinking some dog or animal came along and they weren't too well hidden . so I am feeling a little guilty.