The boss decided to send me to Anchorage this week for some software training. I got to stay at the Captain Cook. The training was way more intense than I thought, but the shoping was good.
JC Penny is my favourite. Spent all day monday driving down and got to pass by the Nenana river , it was supposed to have flooded not so ,ong ago, i did take soem photos but i dont have any other summer photos to compare it with to say if it was still high or not., ( lots of winter ones you can find of the web of the ice classic. )
I did have a nice view of the bay / mud flats from the hotel window, and you understand that as a good kiwi i miss the ocean more than you will know. Having my evenings to myself and not having to work was just wonderfull. Had a pleasant b day shoping clothes of course. then on thursday went to 10th and M seafoods ( guess where they are located) and bought some Salmon, and halibut. reasonable prices.
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