the other day
I spent forever looking at websites trying to decided where i want to spend some time in England, what do I want to see in a new town, Old castles old palaces old
cathedrals, so my current choices are Nottingham , and Lincoln.
now Lincoln looks to be a small town well sort of, Nottingham is Robin Hood country, 12
Th Century
Sherwood forest. But when I was speaking to someone while i was waiting tables she asked me how many spruce
trees i wanted to see. Hell i live in Alaska here.
Lincoln on the other hand has some Roman stuff and a
cathedral that looks pretty cool, but alas it has no hostels. so shall I spring for a hotel for a few days. there was one I saw Duke
William, ( hotel that is) supposed owned by the duke of
Cumberland, 1746 stuff I wonder if they like him any more than the
Scottish did?? as a person I am not keen on him in history, there doesn't seem to be much on line about him. a good reason to visit and see what the locals have to say.
If it is fine tomorrow Iwill get some more photos of the garden, it s been raining for 2 weeks strait