the ocean

the ocean
Paraparaumu beach

The comings and goings of a hard working kiwi whose just moved home

November 15, 2010

egg Nog.

its close to that time of year again. and yesterday when i went shopping there it was stating me in the face was some Eggnog. I like Eggnog , but when you buy it it like pumpkin pie , it never has enough spice for my taste. now my spice rack is looking rather slim, cause I cant take it home. so i have been using up stuff, i have Cinnamon but not nutmeg or cloves ( usually this would be replace instantly) i think last week i bought some pumpkin pie spice.
so the short story is .. is that if you want more flavor in your eggnog try some pumpkin pie spice, it works really well for my taste buds.
say I with the second cup of eggnog nearly 1/ 2 way gone.

today I went bizarring with Amy. there are several good Christmas Bizarres on this time of year and the Carlson center one, is this weekend. I got what I needed in the way of Christmas stuff . then we looked around at everything else. there was this lady selling fruit cake and I the homesick kiwi was not going to say no. Yes they are expensive, but I haven't had fruit cake probably since last time I was home. ( OK. maybe I had some in the UK.) the question is how long can I make this fruit cake last . its 2 lbs. It wont make Christmas I know it.

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