It s time for some stuff about dance class. my other hobby in winter - well exercise is hanging out with the ballroom dance club. I get to take lessons mostly on Wednesday, currently bachatta and samba,( think Latin lots of hips and almost sex on the dance floor - if you want - or not) Megan is the instructor , from the university, she had a wicked sense of humor and her sound effects of how to keep the beat have you laughing.
Samba is really fast paced, but is good for when you get that head banging music that you think you cant dance to. it s usually a samba beat. and looks way good if you get it right.
here is my friend Don dancing with Judy last Saturday with Holly and Woody in the background.
At the university pub Megan does a class on Tuesday nights. more Bachatta this week, it was fun, but like usual we are lacking men, so if there are any men who have nothing to do and like to dance,...
So since we were short on men I got to do a marenge with Megan. My hip swinging is a lot better, it just takes forever to get the habit after one s grow up thinking ones hips are large. ( they are but you have to swing them when you are dancing Latin stuff. )
dance class is just total fun.
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